Top Temporary Job Agencies in California

If you are looking for the best temporary job agencies in California, you have come to the right place! We have some recommendations that will simplify your search and cut days of surfing and calling off your search.

Editors Note If you landed on this page because you are looking for a job, visit our Career Center page for more information on how & where to find a job.

Temporary Job Agencies in California

Options for Companies

There are basically 2 options for companies trying to locate temporary job agencies in California or any other state/locality. Find a national service and locate a regional office or locate a niche local service.

National Services

The benefit of a large national service is likely cheaper rates and an option to work in multiple locations with the same vendor.

Local Agencies

The benefit of a using a local niche agency is that you can get much more customized (meaning more convenient) services for your needs and you stand a much better chance of getting top notch service.

When you work with a niche local service, you probably will develop a relationship with the owner or a senior manager. This person is there to make sure you get what you need and will go the extra mile to get you the people you need.

Finding the Right California Based Service

My best recommendation is to use a certified staffing service. In California, search consultants can take an exam that requires a thorough understanding of the laws and practices of employment in the state of California. The designation you are looking for is the California Accredited Consultant or CAC.

Many of the local staffing or recruiting associations promote this type of training and accreditation.

Where to Find One?

The easiest way is to go to the California Staffing Professionals web site. Look for the members section and type in your county & City. You will find services who are members of the CSP. Many of these members have individuals who have the CAC designation.

For example, if you go to the member section of the site as noted above, select the member page, type in Tustin for the City and select Engineering for the specialty. You will see the name of someone with a CAC designation after their name.


To find the best service, use this 3 step process;

  • Decide National or Regional (Cost vs. Customized service and Convenience)
  • Use Staffing/Recruiting Associations to Locate Agencies
  • Find a certified search consultant at one of those local agencies.

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